Guide to Cleaning Out the Garage

Removing everything inside the garage allows homeowners to assess whether there is any damage.

Garages are designed primarily for vehicle storage. Yet, most of these home spaces are too cluttered with junk to fit a car. But it's possible to restore these rooms and make them functional. So, how can homeowners transform their garages and eliminate the clutter?

Here are some practical steps to help residents clean out their garages:

Plan and find help

Homeowners should first figure out whether they can handle the cleaning alone. If the state of the garage is too bad, it's wise to call on friends and family for help. It's also a good idea for homeowners to check the weather apps and ensure that the day they pick for this activity isn't cold or rainy, as it can disrupt the cleaning process.

Clear the space

Removing everything inside the garage allows homeowners to assess whether there is any damage. They also get to clean the room faster this way. Homeowners should inspect areas such as flooring, walls, and cabinets to ensure they're in good condition. It's also essential to sort items at this stage. Group everything into usable, donated, and obsolete piles. Promptly schedule a pick-up for charity pieces to avoid hoarding.

It's cleaning time!

The best place to start sprucing up are the ceilings and walls. Remove all the cobwebs and dust from these areas. Keep all windows open for enhanced airflow. Wipe the shelves and workbench to remove dust. Scrub the floors and wash away the grime. Clean the garage doors and windows while waiting for the surfaces to dry. Homeowners should also inspect these areas for signs of wear and tear for quick replacement to avoid extensive damage.

Map the space

With all the items out of the room and the space clean, it's time to mark the usable area in the garage. This will help plan where each item will go. First, homeowners must park their cars inside and label the lengths they'll occupy. Any area remaining after this process can be used for storage.

Ensure clear and proper display

Homeowners should add shelves and hooks in their garages. Place tall items at the back. Using labels is an excellent way to arrange the shelves, making identification easy. Find dividers and storage containers to ensure all items have a home. This eliminates the chances of the garage getting cluttered again.

Reclaim the garage by making it functional

Homeowners should routinely clean out their garages as it can significantly enhance their property's curb appeal. The space is also handy for keeping vehicles secured. Don't forget that cluttered areas around the home can become breeding sites for dangerous animals like snakes and rodents.

Cleaning out garages helps to maintain the flooring and extend its lifespan. Homeowners who feel overwhelmed can always contact the experts for help cleaning and organizing their garages.

Quick Response Garage Cabinets provides excellent and secure storage solutions and epoxy flooring for Phoenix area residential garage needs. Call 602-726-2211 or book an appointment online today!